Data protection

The operators of these pages take the protection of your personal data very seriously. We treat your personal data confidentially and in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations and this privacy policy.

The use of our website is usually possible without providing personal information. As far as on our sides personal data (for example name, address or E-Mail addresses) are raised, this takes place, as far as possible, always on freiwilliger basis. These data will not be disclosed to third parties without your explicit consent. With regard to the terms used, such as. “Processing” or “Responsible” we refer to the definitions in Article 4 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Safety measures
We take measures in accordance with Art. 32 DSGVO to ensure an adequate level of protection.
We consider the protection of personal data already in the development, or selection of hardware, software and procedures, according to the principle of data protection through technology design and privacy-friendly default settings (Article 25 DSGVO).

Server log files

You can visit our websites without giving any personal information. Every time you access our website, usage data is transmitted through your Internet browser and stored in log data (server log files). This stored data includes e.g. Name of the called page, date and time of the call, amount of data transferred and the requesting provider. These data are used solely to ensure trouble-free operation of our website and to improve our offer. An assignment of this data to a specific person is not possible.

Collection and processing using the contact form

When using the contact form, we collect your personal data (name, e-mail address, message text) only in the scope provided by you. The data processing serves the purpose of establishing contact. By submitting your message, you consent to the processing of the transmitted data. Processing is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. a DSGVO with your consent.
You may revoke your consent at any time by notifying us without affecting the legality of the processing on the basis of the consent to revocation. We only use your e-mail address to process your request. Your data will then be deleted, unless you have consented to the further processing and use.

Customer account

When opening a customer account, we collect your personal data in the scope indicated there. The purpose of data processing is to improve your shopping experience and simplify order processing. Processing is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. a DSGVO with your consent. You may revoke your consent at any time by notifying us without affecting the legality of the processing on the basis of the consent to revocation. Your customer account will be deleted afterwards.
Collection, processing and use of personal data for orders
When ordering, we collect and use your personal data only to the extent necessary to fulfill and process your order and to process your requests. The provision of the data is required for the conclusion of the contract. Non-provisioning means that no contract can be concluded. Processing is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. b DSGVO and is required to fulfill a contract with you. A transfer of your data to third parties without your express consent is not. Excluded from this are only our service partners, which we need to process the contractual relationship or service providers of which we serve in the context of a processing order. In addition to the recipients named in the respective clauses of this privacy policy, these include, for example, recipients of the following categories: shipping service providers, payment service providers, merchandise management service providers, order processing service providers, web hosting providers, IT service providers and dropshipping retailers. In all cases, we strictly adhere to the legal requirements. The amount of data transmission is limited to a minimum.

Use of PayPal

All PayPal transactions are subject to the PayPal Privacy Policy. These can be found at:

Use of stripe

All stripe transactions are subject to the stripe privacy policy. These can be found at:

Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are stored in the Internet browser or from the Internet browser on dsaved in a computer system of a user. When a user visits a website, a cookie may be stored on the user’s operating system. This cookie contains a characteristic string that allows the browser to be uniquely identified when the website is reopened. We use cookies for the purpose of making our offer more user-friendly, effective and secure. Furthermore, cookies enable our systems to recognize your browser even after a page change and offer you services. Some features of our website can not be offered without the use of cookies. For this it is necessary that the browser is recognized even after a page break. We also use on our website cookies for the purpose of allowing an analysis of the browsing behavior of our site visitors. Furthermore, we use cookies for the purpose, then site visitors to others The processing is based on § 15 (3) TMG and Art. 6 (1) lit. f DSGVO from the legitimate interest in the above mentioned purposes. The data collected by you in this way will be pseudonymised by technical precautions. An assignment of the data to your person is therefore no longer possible. The data will not be stored together with other personal data of you. You have the right, for reasons that arise from your particular situation, at any time to object to this personal data processing based on Art. 6 (1) f DSGVO.Cookies are stored on your computer. Therefore, you have full control over the use of cookies. By selecting appropriate technical settings in your internet browser, you can prevent the storage of cookies and transmission of the data contained therein. Already saved cookies can be deleted at any time. However, please be aware that if you do this you may not be able to use all the features of this website to the full extent. You can find out below how to manage (and disable) cookies on the most important browsers: Chrome Browser: Explorer: Firefox: data-sfri11471 / macPrivacy Policy for Use of Google AnalyticsWe use the Google Analytics web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; “Google”). Data processing is for the purpose of analyzing this website and its visitors. For this purpose, Google will use the information obtained on behalf of the operator of this website to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage to the website operator. The IP address sent by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with any other data provided by Google. Google Analytics uses cookies that allow you to analyze the use of the website. The information generated by the cookies about your use of this website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. IP anonymisation is activated on this website. As a result, your IP address will be shortened beforehand by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent to a Google server in the US and shortened there. Your data may be transmitted to the United States. There is an adequacy decision by the European Commission for data transfers to the US. Processing is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f DSGVO from the legitimate interest in the needs-based and targeted design of the website. You have the right, for reasons arising from your particular situation, to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you, based on Art. 6 (1) f DSGVO. You may do so by storing the corresponding cookies Prevent browser software; however, please note that if you do this, you may not be able to use all the features of this website to the fullest extent possible. You may further collect the information generated by the cookie and your use of itTo prevent website-related data (including your IP address) from being transmitted to Google and the processing of this data by Google, download and install the browser plug-in available at the following link [ / gaoptout? hl = en]. To prevent Google Analytics tracking across devices, you can set an opt-out cookie. Opt-out cookies prevent future collection of your data when you visit this website. You must opt-out on all systems and devices used to make it work. If you click here, the opt-out cookie will be set: Disable Google Analytics. For more information on Terms of Use and Privacy, please visit or https: / / Policy for Using Google Ad WordsWe use our online advertising program “Google AdWords” on our website and, in this context, conversion tracking (visit evaluation). Google Conversion Tracking is an analytics service provided by Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; “Google”). When you click on an ad served by Google, a conversion tracking cookie will be placed on your machine. These cookies have a limited validity, contain no personal data and are therefore not for personal identification. If you visit certain pages on our website and the cookie has not expired, Google and we may recognize that you have clicked on the ad and have been redirected to this page. Each Google AdWords customer receives a different cookie. Thus, there is no way that cookies can be tracked through the websites of advertisers. The information obtained with the help of the conversion cookie is used to generate conversion statistics. This tells us the total number of users who clicked on one of our ads and were redirected to a conversion tracking tag page. However, we do not receive any information that personally identifies users. Processing is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f DSGVO from the legitimate interest in targeted advertising and the analysis of the effect and efficiency of this advertising. You have the right for reasons that arise from your particular situation, at any time against these processing based on Art. 6 (1) of the GDPR You can prevent the storage of cookies by selecting appropriate technical settings of your browser software. We point out, however, that in this case you may not be able to use all the functions of this website in full. You will not be included in the conversion tracking statistics. Furthermore, you can opt out of personalized advertising in Google Ads Preferences. You can find instructions on how to do this at In addition, you can disable the use of third-party cookies by turning off the Network Advertising Initiative’s opt-out page at : // and implement the opt-out information listed there. For more information and the Google Privacy Policy, please visit: Policy for the use of WordPress StatsThis website uses the WordPress tool Stats to statistically evaluate visitor traffic. Supplier is Automattic Inc., 60 29th Street # 343, San Francisco, CA 94110-4929, USA.WordPress Stats uses cookies, which are stored on your computer and allow an analysis of the use of the website. The information generated by the cookies about the use of our website is stored on servers in the USA. Your IP address will be anonymized after processing and prior to storage. You can set your browser to notify you about the setting of cookies and allow cookies only in individual cases, to exclude the acceptance of cookies for specific cases or in general, and the automatic Enable cookies deletion when closing the browser. When deactivating cookies, the functionality of our website may be restricted.You may object to the collection and use of your data for the future by clicking on this link to set an opt-out cookie in your browser: https: // www / opt-out / If you delete the cookies on your computer, you must set the opt-out cookie again.
Privacy Policy for the use of Facebook plug-ins (Like-Button, Facbook Pixel) On our pages are plugins
Facebook’s social network, Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA. The Facebook plugins can be recognized by the Facebook logo or the “Like-Button” (“Like”) on our site. An overview of the Facebook plugins can be found here: When you visit our pages, a direct connection between your browser and the Facebook server is established via the plugin. Facebook receives the information that you have visited our site with your IP address. If you click on the Facebook “Like-Button” while you are logged into your Facebook account, you can link the contents of our pages to your Facebook profile. As a result, Facebook can assign the visit to our pages to your user account. We point out that we as the provider of the pages are not aware of the content of the data transmitted and their use by Facebook. For more information, please refer to the Facebook Privacy Policy at If you do not wish Facebook to associate your visit to our pages with your Facebook user account, please log out Within our online offer is due to our legitimate interests in the analysis, optimization and economic operation of our online offer and for these purposes, the so-called “Facebook pixel” of the social network Facebook, by Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way , Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, or if you are resident in the EU, Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, Dublin 2, Ireland is operated (“Facebook”) .Facebook is under certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement, thereby guaranteeing compliance with European data protection law ( the help of d On the one hand it is Facebook Facebook pixels, the visitors of our online offer as a target group for the presentation of ads (so-called. “Facebook Ads”). Accordingly, we use the Facebook Pixel to display the Facebook Ads we have been sent only to those Facebook users who have shown an interest in our online offer or who have certain features (eg interests in certain topics or products visited by them) Web pages determined), which we transmit to Facebook (so-called “Custom Audiences”). With the help of the Facebook pixel, we also want to make sure that our Facebook ads are in line with the potential interest of users and are not annoying. With the help of the Facebook pixel, we can also understand the effectiveness of the Facebook ads for statistical and market research purposes, in which we see if users were redirected to our website after clicking on a Facebook ad (so-called “conversion”) Data through Facebook is provided as part of Facebook’s Data Use Policy. Accordingly, general notes on how to display Facebook Ads, in Facebook’s Data Usage Policy: For specific information and details about the Facebook pixel and how it works, visit the help section of Facebook: can use the Facebook Pixel collection and use of your data to display Facebook ads contradict. To set which types of ads you see within Facebook, you can go to the page set up by Facebook and follow the instructions for the usage-based advertising settings: The settings are platform independent, i. they are used for all devices, such as desktop computers or mobile devices. You can also use the Cookies for distance measurement and advertising purposes via the deactivation page of the Network Advertising Initiative ( and in addition the US American website ( or the European website ( disclaim.
Privacy Policy for the use of Twitter
On our pages are Functions of the service Twitter included. These features are available through Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA. By using Twitter and the “Re-Tweet” function, the websites you visit are linked to your Twitter account and shared with other users. This data is also transmitted to Twitter. We point out that we as the provider of the pages are not aware of the content of the transmitted data and their use by Twitter. More information can be found in the privacy policy.
Clarification from Twitter at Your privacy settings on Twitter can be changed in the Account Settings at:
Privacy Policy for Use of Google +
Use Our Sites Features of Google+. The provider is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Collecting and sharing information: Use the Google + button to post information worldwide. The Google + button will provide you and other users with personalized content from Google and our partners. Google stores both the information that you + 1’d for a piece of content and information about the page you viewed when you clicked +1. Your + 1’s can appear as clues along with your profile name and photo on Google services, such as in search results or in your Google profile, or elsewhere on websites and ads on the Internet. Google records information about your + 1- Activities to improve Google services for you and others. To use the Google + button, you need a globally visible, public Google profile that must contain at least the name chosen for the profile. This name will be used in all Google services. In some cases, this name may also replace a different name you used when sharing content through your Google Account. The identity of your Google Profile may be displayed to users who know your email address or have other identifying information from you.Use of Information Collected: In addition to the purposes outlined above, the information you provide will be governed by applicable Google privacy policy used. Google may publish aggregated statistics about users’ + 1 activity, or share it with users and partners, such as publishers, advertisers, or affiliate websites.
Privacy Statement for Instagram
Use of our Instagram site features features on our pages. These features are provided by Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, United States. If you are logged into your Instagram account, you can link the contents of our pages to your Instagram profile by clicking on the Instagram button. This allows Instagram to associate the visit to our pages with your user account. Please note that we, as the provider of the pages, are not aware of the content of the transmitted data and their use by Instagram.For more information, please see the privacy policy of Instagram:
Privacy Policy for Using YouTube
We use the YouTube LLC Embedding feature on our website. (901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA; “YouTube”). YouTube is a company affiliated with Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; “Google”). The feature shows videos deposited with YouTube in an iframe on the website. The option “Extended Privacy Mode” is activated. As a result, YouTube does not store information about visitors to the site. Only when you watch a video, information about it is transmitted to and stored on YouTube.For more information about the collection and use of data by YouTube and Google, about your rights and how to protect your privacy, please refer to the YouTube Privacy Policy (https : // .
Privacy Statement for Use of Google Fonts
We’re incorporating the fonts (“Google Fonts”) provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Privacy Policy:, opt-out:
SSL encryption
This site is used for security reasons and to protect the transmission of sensitive content, such as the requests you send to us as the site operator, SSL encryption. An encrypted connection is indicated by the browser’s address bar switching from “http: //” to “https: //” and the lock icon in your browser bar. When SSL encryption is enabled, the data you enter can be changed After complete fulfillment of the contract, the data are first stored for the duration of the warranty period, then taking into account statutory, especially tax and commercial retention periods and then deleted after the deadline, provided that you further processing and use have not agreed.The rights of the person concerned are available in the presence of the legal requirements the following rights according to Art. 15 to 20 GDPR concerning:
Right to information, to correction, to deletion, to restriction of processing, to data portability. Furthermore, according to Art. 21 (1) GDPR, you have a right to object to the processing, which are based on Art. 6 (1) f DSGVO, as well as against the processing for the purpose of direct advertising. Contact us on request. The contact details can be found in our imprint.
Legal claims with the supervisory authority
You have according to Art. 77 GDPR the right to complain to the supervisory authority, if you believe that the Processing of your personal data is not lawful.
Last update: 01.09.2019